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Professor David Denning

Professor David Denning graduated from Guys Hospital London in 1980, with training in medicine, paediatrics, gastroenterology, haematology, infectious diseases and clinical microbiology, including a 3 year fellowship at Stanford University with Professor David Stevens (1987-1990).  He is a practising physician at UHSM with expertise in fungal infections; particularly aspergillosis, the most common invasive mould infection worldwide; antifungal resistance; the treatment of fungal infection and infection in the immunocompromised patient.  As well as the clinical aspects of medical mycology including diagnostics and the role of filamentous fungi in various forms of severe allergy, research carried out in his group ranges from genomics to pharmacological studies of new drugs.  Current collaborations with The Institute for Genomic Research and the Broad Institute, both in the USA, involve the sequencing and comparative analysis of four Aspergillus species. These annotated genomic sequences will be housed in the Central Aspergillus Data Repository developed in Manchester.  The Aspergillus Website has been developed to enable the dissemination of medical and scientific information about Aspergillus species.


David has published over 500 peered review papers and chapters, mostly on fungal disease, resistance in fungi and treatment of fungal infection.

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